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Version: 1.0.0


Notifications allow you to subscribe to updates of your payment integration. Notifications are sent as HTTP POST requests (webhooks) to a notification endpoint which you can set in your account settings.

Once you have configured your notification endpoint you'll receive notifications instantly as events are created for your account. You might use notifications to:

  • Get notified whenever you received a payment completed.

  • Initiate actions when a cryptocurrency address receives a new transaction

Accessing Notifications API

Notifications are stored for future access via the API. Querying them via the API can be useful if you need to access notifications at a later date or when you're testing your implementation.

Testing notifications

Since notifications must always be available in a publicly accessible URL, you might run into issues while starting to build your application in a local environment. The easiest way to get started testing notifications is to use a tool like RequestBin. Once you have created a temporary webhook, you can set it to your application settings. It's important to use this only for development, as you should never leak notification data to public.

Cryptocurrency Confirmations

Cryptocurrency transactions arrive usually within a few seconds, but can take anywhere from 10 minutes to 1 hour to become 100% confirmed in the blockchain. Typically, Paycashpay sends the notification within 1-2 seconds of the Cryptocurrency transaction arriving. If we feel the transaction is at a higher risk for being double spent, we may delay sending the callback until we can be sure the transaction will be confirmed.

Check payment status

Check the status of a payment

card payment


Post request to this endpoint

Data format: JSON / The server expects the following parameters.

apikey, transactionID

  • apikey required -----> Data Type (string)
  • transactionID optional -----> Data Type (string)


You will get this answer, all your transactions in array if you specified only your APIKEY
txn: '9G9XG',
transactionID: 'B12',
currency: 'NGN',
amount: 100000,
network: 'visa',
usd: 240.92,
state: 'Successful payment',
status: 3,
date: 'Mon, May 23, 2022 9:55 PM'
Get specific transaction details, just send your APIKEY and your unique transactionID

txn: '9G9XG',
transactionID: 'B12',
currency: 'NGN',
amount: 100000,
network: 'visa',
usd: 240.92,
state: 'Successful payment',
status: 3,
date: 'Mon, May 23, 2022 9:55 PM'

cryptocurrency payment


Post request to this endpoint

Data format: JSON / The server expects the following parameters.

apikey, transactionID

  • apikey required -----> Data Type (string)
  • transactionID optional -----> Data Type (string)


You will get this answer, all your transactions in array if you specified only your APIKEY
txn: 'Y4HFX',
transactionID: 'KK85D',
currency: 'XOF',
amount: 100000,
network: 'BTC',
coins: 0.047,
state: 'Confirmed',
status: 3,
address: 'bc1qx.............',
hashID: '07bc9e6156.................',
date: 'Mon, May 23, 2022 10:09 PM'
Get specific transaction details, just send your APIKEY and your unique transactionID

txn: 'Y4HFX',
transactionID: 'KK85D',
currency: 'XOF',
amount: 100000,
network: 'BTC',
coins: 0.047,
state: 'Confirmed',
status: 3,
address: 'bc1qx.............',
hashID: '07bc9e6156.................',
date: 'Mon, May 23, 2022 10:09 PM'

Status codes

Number meaning:

  • 1 : Transaction not initiated or expired
  • 2 : Transaction canceled
  • 3 : Successful payment
  • 4 : Transaction in progress

The QrCodeUrl, is composed of the generated address and the amount, you will just insert it in an 'img' tag